Saturday, May 19, 2007
3 weeks?
well i've got three weeks of race-free atmosphere. my ribs are doing better, but i am going to have to pass on the Soto Memorial stage race, which sucks because it was one of my goals, but life goes on. i had a free weekend scheduled after that anyway, which fits my three week "no racing" period the docs conjured up. so i'll get going again June 6th at the TT at Lowes Motor Speedway, then the Roan Mountain RR June 9th. I'll try and get some fotos up since text posts aren't too exciting.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
well. the road race went like this: flatted on 1.5 mile gravel sector first thing. got a wheel, in the pack, no biggie. Felt good, entered the feedzone 8th wheel, got a feed, while my hand was still off my bar someone tapped my front wheel, i over corrected and crashed, landed on my bike and a few guys piled ontop of me. got the wind knocked out of me, some bruising on my chest and back, nothing much. bent my frame, broke my front shifter. dnf.
yesterday i went and talked to a doctor cause my chest was giving me some trouble. word is i crushed some of the cartilidge that connects my ribs to my sternum. GREAT. but not much i can do other than load up on ibprofen and rest, it's supposed to hurt for three weeks. bummer. so i have some uninvited restdays coming up, but shouldn't affect any races, since i wasn't scheduled to race this weekend anyway. and i still plan on lining up at the Soto Memorial stage race May 25-28.
yesterday i went and talked to a doctor cause my chest was giving me some trouble. word is i crushed some of the cartilidge that connects my ribs to my sternum. GREAT. but not much i can do other than load up on ibprofen and rest, it's supposed to hurt for three weeks. bummer. so i have some uninvited restdays coming up, but shouldn't affect any races, since i wasn't scheduled to race this weekend anyway. and i still plan on lining up at the Soto Memorial stage race May 25-28.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Team Time Trial

the first event of collegiate nationals is in the books. it was mildly successful. one of our girls flatted at about the halfway point which is terrible luck, but they rode well to seventh place in DI.
by the time the guys lined up it was super hot. our team hadn't done much training together prior to the last few days but we worked pretty well together we just didn't go fast enough, we rode the hills pretty well but on the final five miles of flat we were struggling. when we finished we had the third best time posting 24:50, but fell to 13th by the end of the day. I was the only returner from last years national championship team and i think i should of been able to carry more of the weight on my shoulders this year but it was a good learning experience and something to build off of since we'll have all four guys back next year. ttt life is a little harder when you don't have Bookwalter buring it at 32 for extended periods of time. we're sitting 8th overall in the team omnium right now, not where we wanted, but out best events are to come, so we'll take another look after tomorrows road race.
we'll be back next year to contest for the win.
the road race is going to be super dynamic. part of the course is flooded so they are re-routing us across 1.5 miles of gravel. it is going to be crazy, that section is just after the 1.25 mile dam we have to ride across, with only a nice hill inbetween them. that section will make the race.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Eve of TTT
another day in kansas in the books. early this morning we indulged in some continental breakfast, then the mens and womens TTT teams piled into the bus and drove the course. Then we came back to the hotel and got dressed, drove back to the course and rode it twice. we did two ten minute efforts with the team, rotating at 80%. Then we did two 4 minute max cadence efforts to get the legs good and open. I feel pretty good, and the team looks solid. we should have a good ride.
we then ate at chipotle, aka i walked to subway haha. and then we went to the host hotel and took care of registration, which went very smoothly and fast for such an event. i was impressed. and while we were there i got interviewed by channel 6 news which was kind of cool, it airs tonight so i'll get to see how pro and diplomatic i can pretend to be. still no fotos but i am working on it.
over and out
we then ate at chipotle, aka i walked to subway haha. and then we went to the host hotel and took care of registration, which went very smoothly and fast for such an event. i was impressed. and while we were there i got interviewed by channel 6 news which was kind of cool, it airs tonight so i'll get to see how pro and diplomatic i can pretend to be. still no fotos but i am working on it.
over and out
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
well after 14 hours of driving the LMC team has made it to Lawrence Kansas. We just went out and rode for 2 hours, the TTT did some rotating and practiced a few turn arounds. The legs feel pretty good, but not great after all the driving. The TTT is friday and the RR is sunday, then i get to help the guys that are doing the criterium on sunday. more updates to follow and i'll try and get some fotos as well.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Lowe's Motor Speedway Time Trial
the LMC team made the drive down the charlotte for the TT. the orignial plan was for us to do Team Time Trial practice and me not race, but we didn't get there early enough to do practice, so i decided to race since i was there. it went okay, all seven laps were within 3 seconds of each other. official results aren't up yet, but i have me at 20:28 unofficially. that's 1:10 faster than i did last year, and it is only early May, that has to be a good sign?
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