Without doubt, the Linville River offers some premier rock hoppin' terrain.

This one is for Sarah (because it is the best and most beautiful haha). Amazing view of the Linville River Gorge and "table top" in the background. Looks like a postcard ehh?

Postcard shot number 2, same scene, different viewing angle.

Eastern Hemlock that has died either from Pine Bore Beetle infestation or Wooly Adelgid infestation. It is shedding its bark significantly. Good thing mom wasn't there to see the bark or I would have been carrying it to our backyard.

Some fry in the edge of the Linville River, probably Trout. There is a good amount of sediment in this river since there are so many roads that cross it, such as 221 and 105.

Dr. Skeate's dog "Buck Eye" fetching sticks on the river. Wasn't too effective but very entertaining.
Only two hikes left, but more pictures to come...
great week
Yugs, daw nabasahan ko naman ni sa iban nga blog?
Hey, you're updating!!
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