below: Great White Heron on the Rio Uruguay
Below: Rhea, very common in the north of the country, near the border with Brazil
Cabeçita negra (Chloris magellanicus) male
Juvenile Pirañha
male Gymnogeophagus sp. "san borja" from the Rio Yi
Rio Yi, department of Duranzo, central Uruguay
Gymnogeophagus sp. "paso pache II" (ex-meridionalis) male
unidentified frog
The massive Rio Uruguay, along the border of Uruguay and Argentina
Gymnogeophagus balzanii pair, male above, female below
Green Hoplias sporting some wicked teeth
A huge Pirañha
Forked-tail Flycatcher (Tyrannus savanna) male
Churrinche (Pyrrhocephalus rubinus) male
Rio Masedo, every stone in this river is a geode! The locals refer to it as the Rincon de Pache ("river of jewels")
Rio Cuaro
Corydoras cf. paleatus "rio cuaro high dorsal"
Rio Cuareim, department of Artigas, northern Uruguay. Uruguay is the right bank, Brazil is the left bank
Juvenile Crenicichla celidochilus, the rarest pike cichlid in the world, only inhabiting the Rio Cuareim
Rio Cuareim
Crenicichla scotti from Aquas Blancas in the south east region of Uruguay
Great Blue Heron, on the Rio Uruguay
Dorado fishing on the Rio Uruguay

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